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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Symptoms of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer occurs at the outset in the cell, a cancer cells are very small and occur in the breast area. So that, at this early stage usually does not cause any symptoms. Symptoms in general that often arises is the presense of lumps in the breast of sometimes cancer cells can spread to the lymph nodes under the arm or swelling in the armpit of regional appearing after menstruation and does not feel pain, even if the lumps are painless or pain but gradually enlarged and attached to the skin or cause changes in the breast or nipple. The changes that occur can includes shapes and colours, sizes, breast temperature, texture and contour.


Clinical symptoms of breast cancer may include :
  • lumps in the breast that can be touched by hand, the longer it increasingly hard lumps and enlarged and irregulat shape
  • the emergence of a small lump in the under arm area
  • pain in the breast
  • breast skin was hot like fire
  • swelling in all or part of the breast
  • avoid irritation to the skin of the breast
  • pain in the nipple
  • nipple color change form pink to brown like an orange peel
  • change in nipple shape
  • breast skin wrinkle like an orange peel
  • shape, size or weight of one breast changes
  • shape or direction of nipple changes, such as nipple in (retracted)
  • out of blood, pus or water fluid from the nipple other than breast milk spontaneously and not normal. The liquid that comes out is called normal if it occurs in women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, and contraceptive pill users. A woman should be wary if the nipple discharge of bloody waterly liquid with red or brown, out on his own without having to massage the nipple, continues, only in one breast (unilateral), and liquids other than breast milk.
  • ulcers on the skin of the breast
  • if the tumor had enlarged will appear pain surfaced and resurfaced
  • than there enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit, swelling (edema) on the arm, and the spreadof cancer throughout the body
Symptoms of advanced breast cancer :
Advanced breast cancer is very easily recognizable by knowing Operbilitas Heagensen criteria as follows :
  • there is (edema) of the breast skin area (over 1/3 area of breast skin)
  • presence of satellite nodules on the skin of the breast
  • type of breast cancer mastitis karsinimatosa
  • there is a supraclavicular nodule
  • presense of arm edema
  • presence of distant metastases
  • and there are two of the signs of locally advansed, namely skin ulceration, skin edema, skin fixed to the wall of the thorax, axillary, lymph node 2.5 cm in diameter, and axillary lymph ndes attached to each other.
Symptoms of advanced breast cancer can be defined as cancer that spreads beyond the breast and under arm lymph nodes to other parts of the body.
  • bone pain (bone metastates)
  • shortness of breath (lung metastasic)
  • weight loss (metastatic liver)
  • headache pain, neurological or weakness (may metastatic brain)




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